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Eye Test

Frequently Asked Questions 

In the event your question is not answered on this page, feel free to contact us at

Medical Form


Who is eligible for services?

The services we offer are available to any patient that lives in Shelby County with significant financial hardship.    For patients in need of cataract surgery, their best corrected vision must be 20/50 or worse.  Brightness acuity testing can be used to qualify a patient


Is the surgery free?

 No. The patient will be responsible a small percentage of the surgery expense once eligibility is confirmed. Grants may be available for patients with extenuating circumstances. 

Medical Consultation
Medical Record Analysis


Who will perform the surgery?

Surgeries are performed by our group of volunteer Ophthalmologists based on availability.


Who will manage the patient post-operatively?

We encourage referring providers to consider seeing their patients for necessary post-op appointments.  In the event they are unable to do so, patients will be managed post-operatively by a volunteer Optometrist and returned to their referring provider.

Eye Exam
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